website design and development

Website Design, Website Design and Development located in Perth, Western Australia

Emotional Intelligence Society of Australia Website Design

Emotional Intelligence Society of Australia Website Design Client: Emotional Intelligence Society of Australia (EISA) Project type: Website design and development Date Completed: May 2021 Client requirements: Complete Website setup including Domain name registration and DNS setup, website hosting setup and configuration, company email setup and configuration, logo design,

Saltwater Commercial Workboats

Saltwater Commercial Workboats Client: Saltwater Commercial Workboats Date Completed: July 2020 Other requirements: Domain name, website hosting, company email, redesign of the current logo. Website designed for Saltwater Commercial Workboats a Fremantle based commercial boat building company with factories and facilities in China. The new website will be

Salt Float Studio

Salt Float Studio Website Design Client: Salt Float Studio Date Completed: July 2019 Client requirements: Domain name and DNS setup, website hosting setup and configuration, optimise all images for website, company email setup, design a new logo for the website and other company collateral, design business cards, design pull-up